martedì 21 agosto 2012

Before daparture...

Hi everyone!
My name It's Dafne and I married on 19 May 2012 the love of my life, Diego.
Now It's almost time for Our HoneyMoon..on November!
I know, It's a little bit late...but we're LOTR fans and we want to spend Our HoneyMoon in New Zealand and visit the locations choosen by P.J. for shoot LOTR Trilogy and The Hobbit. 
With the Red Carpet Tours - Hobbit Premiere Tour we've the lucky chance to see the red carpet of The Hobbit Premiere!!!

Yehhhaaa. Also we'll partecipate to the Hobbit Premiere Costume Party host by
So, I think we'll have a very gooooood time! 

Now...something about the Wedding... Guess what? The theme was LOTR!! with something medieval and a little thing from SW.
Yes, we love movies!

The tableau mariage was a Middle Earth Map

This circlet it's named Dreams of Galadriel by Medieval Bride Fashion and I choose that beautiful creation for my wedding.

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