venerdì 30 novembre 2012

Yes kayak...'s too cold! Wind, rain and cold convinced us not to kayaking today, but to do a cruise...ehmm.. yes...cute, but with this "no beach" weather we didn't enjoy very much the view. Now we're back to the hotel and in a few minutes we're going to Nelson "city" to take a white chocolate mocha at STARBUCKS!!!

Not a great day, but, at least, we can rest...we need that!

Tomorrow will be an "on the road" day...for all day...mpf 

giovedì 29 novembre 2012

In Nelson

Ok, let's talk about the "Cows Problem" ... in 2005 there were only sheeps in this country. Now I can see only cows and a sheep sometime... so.. the cows stole the job to the sheeps!??!!!?
Today we woke up at 5.30 A.M. (arghhhh) and we traveled to the second island with the ferry. New bus, new driver, go on the road...and still... cows!!!! Some sheeps ... cows... horse.. WHAT FLOCK HAPPENS!?
Anyway, we met The One Ring Creator at the WOW Museum, drank some wine, saw some old cars and "goosebump style" dresses, returned to the hotel, had dinner with Garlic Prawn noodles from Noodle Canteen!

mercoledì 28 novembre 2012

Te Papa Museum

We're in the Te Papa Museum!! Live!!
So funny visiting NZ and find Italian's painting on TP Museum...ROTFL
U can see our lunch at Te Papa Cafè, the cake it's fantastic!!

martedì 27 novembre 2012

Weta Cave!!

Today I'll go to the Weta Cave!!
We had the opportunity to see a really goodbehind the scene and we met Richard Taylor again in the Cave tour; he gave me a flyer for an exibithion hosted by himself!
After that we went to Wellington Airport and we saw the giant Gollum, the Trolls and the "hobbiton carousel"... Really really good!!!
Tonight we had dinner ar the Green Parrot and we had a really good time with Pamela!!
Tomorrow there is the Movie Premiere!!!

lunedì 26 novembre 2012

Meet Peter Jackson!!

What a great night! Just met Peter Jackson and Andy Serkis and the other Dwarves!!!
At 7.15 we arrived at the Party and start to enjoy the actors and the people there, the drink and the finger food... then WHAT A FLOCKING SURPRISE!! There were Peter Jackson and E. Wood!!
They stayed on stage for a while and then they met the fans. Sadly I missed Wood, but I met Peter J. so, who cares!! (LOL)
P.J. left too and the party went on... at 22.00PM another big surprise: Andy Serkis arrived, what a big luck for me, I was just there! I could talk and have a picture with him immediately!
So tired for the long day...we went to bed very happy.

Peter Jackson and Me!!!!
Me & Andy Serkis!

Tonight with Daniel R.

After a long trip, we finally arrived in Wellington!!!
This evening we met Daniel Reeve, who talked about his work and showed us a very masterpiece things!
He's a really cool guy, very nice as I remember!! And he's very funny too, he showed us that he drew Wellington and NZ island in the Middle Earth Map.
Very cool evening!!

Today Lothlorien, Isengard and... TheOneRingParty!!

Party Tickets

What a great day it's today!! In the morning we saw Lothlorien and Isengard and this evening there are the World Premiere Costume Party by!!! Maybe P.J. Will be there! YES!!
